A New Year Resolution

After a few days, there will be a New Year;
A fresh start, new resolutions and new benchmarks.

This is a contemplating week,
Before the time gives new life to the calendar.
What got missed and by how much,
Again an era of failed resolutions passed by.
But many unknown and known achievements,
Were brought home, by luck or by Karma.

After every winter, with a new year,
the apple tree does not make  a resolution-
What numbers of leaves and apples, it will bore.
But yet it serves all, by its shadow, woods and fruits.
Then why should I make a resolve?

Nature gave us an evolved brain to think,
And power to act, by our strength.
Act nobly, if you do;
As with power, comes responsibility.

If it takes time to achieve success,
Let me break time in parts,
These parts signify small battles,
To win the war of self in the end.

Let my defeats be behind in gone  times,
With new zeal and power, with aim- new and old,
And with shield of experiences of life, I learnt,
I will wage my battles in the coming year.

The Hidden

My eyes searched dreams in darkness of night.
The fluttering of winds have kept them awake.

I bring hands over my eyes, eyes and hands are part of me.
It’s strange though hands are so near yet eyes are blind to see.
My mind wonders how a ghost can see in the dark clearly.
Does the eyesight increase after death or is it some trickery?

I hear a thumping sound somewhere near and someone fall;
Is it the “Unknown” or a neighbor kid on the other side of wall ?
The water drops “tinks” at regular intervals in the toilet sink;
Toilet flushed, water got sucked and emptied it to the brink.

I stood and walked to see if  some hidden energy around;
Sixth sense led me to an empty dark corner- I FOUND !!
Soon a  dim car light comes and falls there and goes away;
“It’s just a tall lamp standing silently that scared me , Eh! ” 

Imagination of mind triggers scenes from scary Hollywood;
Sounds and voices here and there, does not do any good.
I realized my concern for the “Unexplained” in the dark;
My heartbeat was increasing towards a fearing mark.

I then laugh and tell myself philosophically –
“Death is inevitable, so my dear, why fear;
All will die, and so will I; smiled at the ghost cynically”
The ghost left the room disheartened and I slept peacefully.
